
Tutorial 1:  Preservation Metadata and PREMIS   

i.  An Introduction to PREMIS  by Sébastien Peyrard, National Library of France 

ii.  PREMIS Implementation at the National Library of New Zealand by Peter McKinney, NLNZ

iii.  PREMIS Implementation at the National Library Board of Singapore by Haliza Jailani, NLB

This half-day tutorial will cover an introduction to PREMIS and its data model, data dictionary and guidelines, as well as a discussion on semantic units in the data dictionary.  This will be followed by presentations on how PREMIS is implemented at 2 national libraries, the National Library of New Zealand and the National Library of Singapore.

Sébastien Peyrard graduated from the Ecole des chartes in France, where he edited a medieval latin poem for his PhD, then attended the French librarians school.  He has been working since 2008 at the Bibliothèque nationale de France as a metadata specialist and digital preservation expert in the Metadata Departement (Département de l'information bibliographique et numérique), where he is responsible for maintaining the data model of BnF's preservation repository (SPAR) and its METS and PREMIS implementation. He is a member of the METS Editorial Board and the PREMIS Editorial Committee since 2011.

Peter McKinney is currently the National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA) Preservation Policy Analyst at the National Library of New Zealand. He has been the Coordinator of the European Commission funded ERPANET project, a Europe-wide programme of awareness raising of digital preservation and was involved in the espida project at the University of Glasgow. This project looked at digital preservation as a core strategic component of an organisation’s business.

Haliza Jailani is Senior Manager, Professional Services, at the National Library Board of Singapore.  She was responsible for the implementation of metadata across NLB particularly for resource discovery and to support NLB’s corporate knowledge base.  Up to 2010, she was programme manager of Digital Infrastructure and helped deliver systems such as NLB’s SearchPlus and the Digital Preservation System.  She presently provides training and advice on metadata implementation and is operationalising the digital preservation system. 

Tutorial 2:  Archiving Websites   

by Dr Paul Wu (School of Science & Technology, UNISIM) & Raju Buddagaraju (NLB)

§  Introduction to Web Archiving 

§  Web Archiving Policies, National Domain Crawling and Thematic Crawling

§  Web Archiving and Curation Tools

§  National Domain Crawling Implementation at National Library Board, Singapore

§  Thematic Crawling of Singapore Elections

Paul Wu is Head of Programme at School of Science and Technology, UNISIM. He was previously Senior Fellow with the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University. Presently, he teaches and researches on the general areas of Archival Informatics and Information Management Systems, with particular emphasis on Web Archiving, Digital Preservation, Web Annotation, Web Intelligence and Dialogic Web. He was co-founder and principle consultant of Mustard Technology, which specialises in multilingual search and data quality technologies. He has two decades of experiences in the theoretical and practical aspects of information technology and information management. A graduate of University of Michigan with majors in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics, he became a Senior R&D Member of Kent Ridge Digital Labs in the 90’s, during which he gained two US Patents for his invention on search and language technologies. Professionally, Dr. Wu has also provided IT consultation service to several government agencies, banks and telecommunication companies in Singapore and around the region.

Raju Buddharaju is Director of Digital Resources And Services at the National Library Board Singapore which operates, Public Libraries, Reference Libraries, Academic Libraries and provides library services to various organizations. Raju specializes in Information Management and Information Technology areas specifically focusing on return on IT investment and IT Architectures.  One of his major areas of expertise is in the area of Development of IT investment strategies and IT Portfolio Management.  Raju’s current research interests are Architecting Information Services, and Organization of Knowledge. Raju was previously Chief Technology Officer / Director of Technology of Singapore Network Services (SNS) and Director of Research and Development of Information Technology Institute. Raju holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and communications (1971) from Andhra University and Master of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering with Computer Sciences (1974) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.  He is member of ACM, IEEE, PMI, ITMA, iKMS and SCS.  He is on the Board of Trustees and Advisory Board of DCMI.